As a Christian based company, we firmly believe that it is our Christian duty to be of service to those in need. That is why we find it so rewarding to be able to donate a portion of our profits each year to ministries and charities that are in need of financial assistance.
In these turbulent economic times we know that it is critical that these ministries and charities remain open so that they may continue to serve and minister to men, women, children, and families in crisis situations. We have always believed that it is better to give than to receive and the testimonials that we have received back from these charities and ministries is proof of that fact. The services that they provide to their surrounding communities are so important and we are very proud to be able to assist them in continuing their efforts.
When you make an investment with Seven Star Enterprises, International you are not only making a sound financial decision and investment for yourself, you are also making an investment in supporting these very important charities and ministries as well. We hope that you will continue to be blessed in your life and thank you for helping us be a part of blessing the lives of those that are less fortunate and in crisis situations. By working together, we are making a difference in the lives of these men, women, children, and families. We hope you enjoy reading these testimonials and truly thank you for making an investment with us and for supporting these very important charities and ministries in the process.
“Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and gifts to Minnesota Adult & Teen Challenge. GOD is working powerfully through your generous donations”
MN Adult & Teen Challenge
“As I write this, we are helping hundreds of struggling families by providing some of the basic things they need to become self-sufficient….. It is because of your faithful support that we are able to help these families”…. “Thank you again for sending your gift this month. May the Lord Bless you for being so generous and compassionate towards those in need.”
Dream Center
“Thank you so much for your recent gift to help people get back on their feet and moving in the right direction. You’ll probably never know just how timely and meaningful your gift was.”
Union Gospel Mission
“Thank you for your gift to the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. (BGEA). You are helping take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. We sincerely appreciate your gifts and prayers as we proclaim the Good News.”
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
“….because you’ve been such a good friend to Catholic Charities of St. Paul and Minneapolis….we are writing to ask you one simple thing….. Express your kindness to strangers--- people you may never meet are struggling with poverty in their own community.” “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers; for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” (Hebrews 13:2)
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis
“You can do so much to bless Israel and the Jewish people though your prayers and gifts that continue this work of rescue and compassion --- because every gift makes a dramatic difference.”
The Fellowship
“P.S. Thank you for your faithful prayers and generous gifts. Through them, the gospel of salvation is being presented to hurting people around the world.”
In Touch Ministries, From the Pastor’s Heart
“Thank you so much for your recent gift to LIFE Outreach to support our various ministries around the world. Because you have chosen to respond with compassion to the needs of others, you share in every victory won, every life changed, and every soul saved.” “He who is generous will be blessed.” (Proverbs 22:9)
Life Outreach International
“Your timely and faithful gift is greatly appreciated by our residents, staff and ME….. Though GOD all things are possible... Thank you for your support.”
New Hope Center- Healing House
“You have a chance today to be part of something truly remarkable. Bodies WILL BE made whole because of your gift. More importantly, people will have the opportunity to have salvation through a relationship with Jesus Christ…. Thank you for caring for people we’ll never likely meet face to face on this earth. Your compassion means so much. And just think: someday we can rejoice together in heaven!”
Campus Crusade for Christ
“Thank you for faithfully supporting evangelism around the globe. Because of your partnership. Thousands may hear about Jesus in the months ahead.” Thank you and GOD bless you… Only because of Jesus”
“We are stretching every dollar to help make an eternal difference in this soul- winning ministry. THANK YOU, again for being obedient to the Lord’s leading in your heart.”
Christ for All Nations
“We are so thankful to the Lord for friends like you. Your sacrificial gift came “just at the right time.”... We pray that the Lord will bless you “100-fold” for giving to the poor. Great is your reward in Heaven!” …. There is an old Creole Proverb that says: “The child who cries inside the house and the child who cries outside your door are the same.”…. Thank you with all our hearts for everything you have done for the poor children in Haiti. For their education, for helping build Miracle Village, for helping with gardens, but most of all…. for feeding the children.”
Love a Child
A SACRIFICE OF THANKSGIVING TO THE LORD. We are dedicating the entire month of November as Thanksgiving, to make sure that we feed EVERY hungry child that we possibly can. Not only this month, but EVERY month.
Love a Child
“Thank you for your generous gift to Prison Fellowship! Together, we are breaking through the isolation, anger, loneliness, and despair of prison with the powerful message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!” “Remember those in prison as if you were there fellow prisoners….” (Hebrews 13:3)
Prison Fellowship